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  1. Today
  2. Please bcgame do something about Bangla room. Our, room is always careless, we need a modaretor. I hope, bcgame thinking about that.
  3. Yesterday
  4. If we get a modaretor for our room it's would huge moment for us. We need we deserve for that.
  5. Certainly! Here are some questions and suggestions regarding $BC token and its impact on BC.GAME: Utility and Benefits: How will $BC token specifically enhance user benefits on BC.GAME compared to other tokens or currencies? Accessibility: Will $BC token be easily accessible for users to acquire and use within the platform? Community Engagement: How will $BC token encourage community participation and what governance roles will token holders have? Long-term Strategy: What are the long-term plans for $BC token integration and its role within the evolving ecosystem of BC.GAME? Security and Trust: How is the security of $BC token transactions ensured, and what measures are in place to build trust among users? These questions can help clarify the potential impact and value proposition of $BC token within BC.GAME, ensuring users understand its benefits and implications clearly.
  6. I also agree with this, we really need a mod for our Bangla room Who will speak Bangla and give us daily and weekly challenges
  7. Yeah thats will be realy good for us.there are so many players around in bangladesh playing bc games as daily besis.that woulf be great if we get a comunity head in room and community chanel on telegram as india and pakistan have.
  8. Hello, bcgame" I have noticed that as a community member of Bangla room. Bcgame has multiple chatting room system.Each room has its own moderator to speaking in local language for any issues related of bcgame. But,We still don't have any modaretor in our room. And there are no flash event for Bangla room. We have lot of users in Bangla room,but, unfortunately all are disappointed about that we don't have this kind of facilities. So, looking forward request to bcgame kindly, post a modaretor for Bangla room who specially khows Bangla language.
  9. hello sir when t20 world cup final team reslut ??? 4 days done alredy ?? 

    1. BCGame_Maxim


      Hello @ITUS

      The team is working on it, and distribution is expected soon. Results will be announced on the forum HERE.

  10. Last week
  11. hello sir what happen wc t20 finalist team prediction ??? 3days gone still not reicved any reward ???

  12. Of course, everyone's favorite currency, and everyone supports it , our support for this currency will be a big thing and a lot, waiting for any updates for that (The best dollar earned by each user here )
  13. I came across profitable casino offers through the service https://offerluxcasino.com/bonus/bonus-de-cassino - my dream is to win as much as possible!
  14. Staying motivated while practicing IELTS speaking online is crucial for consistent improvement. Here are some effective strategies using the keyword "IELTS speaking practice online": Set Clear Goals: Define specific goals for your IELTS speaking practice sessions, such as focusing on fluency, vocabulary, or pronunciation improvement. Online platforms often offer structured modules that can help you track progress towards these goals. Use Interactive Platforms: Engage with interactive tools and platforms that offer real-time feedback and scoring. This can simulate the actual exam environment and provide instant motivation by seeing your progress. Join Online Communities: Participate in online forums or social media groups dedicated to IELTS preparation. Sharing experiences, tips, and successes with others can boost motivation and provide a sense of community.
  15. #bcgame e a melhor e agora com token novo vai ser uma maravilha #bcgame B #bcgame e a melhor. Conheci a BC quando eu estava muito pra baixo, aí fui me adaptando. Os mod são os melhores ei e agora token novo tá podendo em #bcgame obgdo por demostra esse amor por todos nós #bcgame é melhor. Conheci a BC quando eu estava muito pra baixo, aí fui me adaptando. Os mods são os melhores ei e agora token novo tá podendo em #bcgame obgdo por demonstrar esse amor por todos nós
  16. awesome. its probably one the best decision for bcgame. This project will be go to moon because, bcgame has a strong community. good luck everyone. god speed
  17. I love this bc Thanq Bc Game For Launching This Currency I Am Glad To Hear About This ! I Know In Future This Currency Going To Help Everyone To Play Or Purchase Bc Game Things.. Thanks To Take Positive Initiative Towards Games!! GoodLuck
  18. Sounds like a great opportunity but I would like to throw in this: (attached) My JB balance: 13138434.33776 JB Waiting for years now for a use and dont ask me how I managed to get them but maybe a small gratetude that let us exchange them or something would be awsome. :)
  19. The $BC Token is a unique and powerful tool that empowers gamers to unlock exclusive features, participate in epic events, and earn awesome rewards. It's also the gateway to a whole new world of in-game purchases, trading, and other cool stuff. With $BC Token, gaming just got a whole lot cooler.
  20. Wow this is a good news for our community really we can support the token and hold is for long term
  21. BC.GAME never fails to surprise me with all of the innovative projects they come up with. I'm sure $BC will be a huge hit in the future. I always feel ecstatic when collecting BCD especially when I learned how to utilize its full potential through locked funds, yet, here's comes another banger token from the best online casino. Revolutionary indeed. Congratulations BC GAME!!
  22. To be honest Based on all The Newest Crypto Coming ! This one Make me Feel Something Good ( $BC ) is Looks like Gonna Be the Number 1 Coins From Bcgame !! Such a Great News To heard this will gonna be Worth It !! #BCGAME $BC
  23. The success of any token often hinges on adoption by users, developers, and investors, as well as the strength of its community. Risk Considerations: Assessing risks associated with regulatory compliance, market volatility, and security issues is crucial for any token. Looking forward to the $Bc token on bc game..To the moon
  25. Nice To Hear About A New Currency Cant Wait For It !! Its Good To Get All Reward In A Particular Currency !! Best Time To Enhance Game By Launching $BC Currency Go Ahead!!
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