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Everything posted by Nurjara

  1. https://bc.game/#/sd/118D9U83T7Q2HF https://bc.game/#/sd/118DA4D35GK45V https://bc.game/#/sd/118DB1W9XVT5W3
  2. 6/30 tasks only w/ at least 1 fm each category U gotta b Richie to make many tasks sometimes just in one task all ur balance are gone... #1(easy) https://bc.game/#/sd/117O69UUILKY6R #2(medium) 2259208589610721402 -min. 2x odd #3(easy) 2259254341032612190 -min 1.5x odd #4(easy) https://bc.game/#/sd/117OJLHPZYETJN #5(easy) https://bc.game/#/sd/117OJUZCZX6JO3 #6(hard) https://bc.game/#/sd/117OKKB9FGOAAB
  3. @BC_PANDASo base from the new rules this is not adding all the total points? Only one entry in one game of the latest submissions will count the highest? For example if a user submit 50x on Sweet Bonanza and then replace it with 10x Big Bass Bonanza, now the 10x will count as the highest multi instead of 50x? Can you clarify what's goin on here .. ty! "All entries must be submitted on this link: https://bc.game/forum_event/AC26344612190CBF once you enter the new bet the old one will be deleted automatically "
  4. Yeah right wish they lower down the min bet like before. I understand their part that they have to use forms for faster processing of payments just like freebets.
  5. https://bc.game/#/sd/1156FYWKG3QMFN https://bc.game/#/sd/115BPUGJ4TES5V
  6. 13x in Black https://bc.game/#/sd/114JV9UWPTYJ9V https://bc.game/#/sd/114JVAK2T90IKZ https://bc.game/#/sd/114JVB67EXSQOJ https://bc.game/#/sd/114JVC1SFUUBYR https://bc.game/#/sd/114JVCQP1NASK3 https://bc.game/#/sd/114JVDMZXU268J https://bc.game/#/sd/114JVEEIFINIFN https://bc.game/#/sd/114JVFN7VAYQZ7 https://bc.game/#/sd/114JVGD5894DN7 https://bc.game/#/sd/114JVH14HZAEC3 https://bc.game/#/sd/114JVHR8NH3AXF https://bc.game/#/sd/114JVIKHH4FDOZ https://bc.game/#/sd/114JVJ2V8X0OWJ
  7. | 15x | 25x | 33x | 44x | 55x | 75x | 99x | 150x | 220x | 300x | 396x | 550x | 825x | 900x | 1100x | 2475x | 3300x | 4950x | https://bc.game/#/sd/113MX1YVM6AVBN https://bc.game/#/sd/113MX6J6ITKYZ7 https://bc.game/#/sd/113MXA78XZLCSZ https://bc.game/#/sd/113MXD760VSBV7 https://bc.game/#/sd/113MXIWL4LLWYB https://bc.game/#/sd/113MXY0YLJBT3N https://bc.game/#/sd/113MY62H3J47IR
  8. 3+2+1+1+6+3+22=38 pts. https://bc.game/#/sd/113JQ9VJ80I7F7 https://bc.game/#/sd/113JQAX88UZ8CZ https://bc.game/#/sd/113JQBQB3H1ZIR https://bc.game/#/sd/113JQK7AB2OH03 https://bc.game/#/sd/113JQKR36TUO7N https://bc.game/#/sd/113JQLUCO21YC3 https://bc.game/#/sd/113JQMI0A5CNBN
  9. @BC_PANDAnice prizes! Gratz all winners!!! But what is the total points of the 300th placer? Too bad I didn't make it I only have 7+ points in first round...
  10. Hi, have you removed 2 weekly challenges on inhouse and third party? Sad...
  11. https://bc.game/#/sd/113566TC669SLV https://bc.game/#/sd/11356AZX1CIN83 https://bc.game/#/sd/11356BP3F676KZ
  12. Placing 5 bets after wins and loses only 1 point on the board?? I wonder how freebet prizes will be paid manually or automatically cuz it's not working. If bugs won't get fixed before rounds end then requirements of 5 bets weekly should be nulled and only points should be the basis for prizes. I myself placed 5 bets @1$ and above 1.5 in odds just to get the allocation but how's that possible if system is giving me just 1 point it's like having 1 bet. A high roller can only place one bet unaware and get 1000$ profit = 1000 points but may be disqualified for he has only placed a single bet for the week.
  13. I see you won all 5 bets, 4 handicaps incl. Overtime and 1 handicap on 1st quarter only. Perhaps, bc.game haven't taken into account bets won by quarters, only totals.
  14. https://bc.game/#/sd/112J5AIQG7VOR7 https://bc.game/#/sd/112J5NHYMFH3IR https://bc.game/#/sd/112R5SED566FPV
  15. 2229178381499507235 I've joined the forum event; Now it's your turn to win generous rewards from BC.GAME!
  16. https://bc.game/#/sd/111OEEJ0ZYC5XV https://bc.game/#/sd/111OFDW303ALN7 https://bc.game/#/sd/111OINGQELNEHF https://bc.game/#/sd/111OKM464ED4PF
  17. I've joined the forum event; Now it's your turn to win generous rewards from BC.GAME!
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