Thank you very much. You have been very enthusiastic in your support to redo this code. I tested and adjusted the interest rate to its original 5% and it worked very well.
var config = {
label: "Base Bet",
value: currency.amount * 0.000100,
type: "number"
label: "Payout Section (There is a high and a low value, when set a random value will be chosen between these numbers)",
type: "title"
chanceLow: {
label: "percentage change to set payout low",
value: 45,
type: "number"
chanceHigh: {
label: "percentage change to set payout high",
value: 55,
type: "number"
stoppingConditions: {
label: "Stopping Conditions",
type: "title"
targetProfit: {
label: "Target Profit",
type: "number",
value: currency.amount * 0.05
var base = config.baseBet.value;
var base2 = base;
var chance = 50;
var nextbet = base;
var targetprofit = config.targetProfit.value;
var ppc = 1.005;
var tg = base;
var mt = 1;
var bethigh = false;
var balmax = currency.amount * 1.0001;
var previousbet = nextbet;
var startingBalance = currency.amount;
var runningBalance = currency.amount;
var payoutValue = 99.00 / chance;
function main(){
game.onBet = function(){
// this random function will return a number between 1 and 3 inclusively so (1,2,3) if that is not the desired behavior you should modify the inputs.
if(GetRandomInt(1, 3) % 2 === 0){
bethigh = true;
} else {
bethigh = false;
chance = GetRandomInt(config.chanceLow.value, config.chanceHigh.value);
payoutValue = 99.00 / chance;"Multi: " + mt);
if((runningBalance - startingBalance) >= targetprofit){
game.stop();"");"");">>> Profit reached: " + profit.toFixed(8));"");"");
};, payoutValue).then(function(payout){
var profit = nextbet * payoutValue - nextbet;
previousbet = nextbet;
runningBalance -= previousbet;
if(payout > 1){
runningBalance += previousbet * payoutValue;
if(profit >= tg){
tg = profit * ppc;
nextbet = base2;
} else {
if(profit >= 0){
mt = 1;
} else {
mt = -1;
nextbet = profit * mt * 0.15 + base;
} else {
if(profit >= 0){
mt = 1;
} else {
mt =- 1;
nextbet = previousbet * (chance / 25);
if( nextbet >= profit){
base = previousbet * 0.1 + base;
if(runningBalance >= balmax){
balmax = runningBalance * 1.001;
nextbet = base2;"balmax: " + balmax);
function GetRandomInt(min, max) {
var retValue = Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min)) + min;
return retValue;
I hope you stop when you have 5-10% of your capital left to avoid losing everything^^