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observe last won the day on August 5 2021

observe had the most liked content!

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  • Favorite Game Classic Dice

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  1. J'ai remporté 123 000€ sur votre site de casino en ligne, mais mes gains n'ont pas été crédités sur mon compte. Je demande une résolution rapide de ce problème conformément à vos conditions d'utilisation, et reste disponible pour toute information supplémentaire. Merci de traiter cette réclamation avec la diligence nécessaire.


  2. I knew it.... You are spy!! Arrest him at once. . . btw the quad king you hit in January? Such amazing, very time travel...
  3. Given that every bet starts with hashing the string made by combining server seed hash and client seed string, this should prove to be a bit of a challenge without a way to either query my own bets one at a time to test in compiler via API or maybe use canary to hijack the redirect from the verify button.... [which could be incredibly time consuming] OR maybe you guys can give us an old dump of sequential bet data with many different server/client seed pairs?
  4. It's plain as day. Check your eyes? things aren't always as they seem.
  5. @Oinker Dude you even put your racket in a handy excel spreadsheet and slapped up a screenshot.... It sucks that many people will likely read this first post of yours and make up their mind that BCGame is a bad place. Even worse is that they will spread this disinformation without even thinking twice. The very second you figured out that there was a way to game the casino using their own bonus, you should have alerted someone. Instead, you funneled money into it for profit. You are lucky they aren't pressing charges. Really, really fucking lucky.
  6. How to unlock bc? 

  7. я вооще не понимаю как здесь деньги делать , выполняя их задания ниче не получается.

    можешь подсказать.


    1. observe


      да ли сте покушали казино?😄

  8. how can i add the casino to my actual website????

    REAL QUESTION. I wanted to add a casino to my website. 

    1. observe


      Why are you asking me?

    2. Mohsen13
  9. Be excellent to each other. Party on.

    1. shadkam


      رمز موفقیت برنامه همینه ،باهم دوست باشیم.


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