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  1. I’ve never had any luck on this game. UID: 3653509
  2. Event details: Hunt 36x in roulette 3 in a row Roulette: 36x Hunt: 36x 3 in a row. Place a bet only in 1 number of your choice Minimum bet: 0.01 $BC Rewards: 1st ----- $10 BCD 1st ----- $8 BCD 1st ----- $5 BCD 3rd to 10th ---- 2 BCD each Rules/Guidelines: The first 10 users to submit 3 game links with 36x winning bets, along with the details(UID, Screenshot in chat room or socials, will be the winners!
  3. https://twitter.com/jimdeveracrypto/status/1869793576827400687?t=FUXtrpJLOV3dP-7ieEU8sg&s=19
  4. awesome. its probably one the best decision for bcgame. This project will be go to moon because, bcgame has a strong community. good luck everyone. god speed
  5. @BCGame_Maximi mistakenly posted twice. im sorry my bad. please delete this one. thank you
  6. https://bc.game/#/sd/114KDPKOQGUS5V https://bc.game/#/sd/114KDQ5I6F5FRN https://bc.game/#/sd/114KDQRHRSEVIR https://bc.game/#/sd/114KE9HMT49UDV https://bc.game/#/sd/114KQKBMX4QOLV https://bc.game/#/sd/114KQJS76TP3IR https://bc.game/#/sd/114KQPQNCJUIVN
  7. https://bc.game/#/sd/112RY7511XHFRN https://bc.game/#/sd/112T3IEUWN40LV https://bc.game/#/sd/112T3XZ2ADL3PV https://bc.game/#/sd/112T4SZVT79S7N https://bc.game/#/sd/112T711O4DE903 https://bc.game/#/sd/112T7U4D8OTSSZ https://bc.game/#/sd/112T937SIHXTSJ https://bc.game/#/sd/112TP30SHS5MOJ https://bc.game/#/sd/112TOA3BWTZUHF https://bc.game/#/sd/112UZKV9F2SNWZ https://bc.game/#/sd/112XALEYY18QVN https://bc.game/#/sd/112XBV1KGM02DV https://bc.game/#/sd/112XHQLNJTKAHF https://bc.game/#/sd/112XMVOD0ARM6R https://bc.game/#/sd/112XN2RBXFT1CJ
  8. I've joined the forum event; Now it's your turn to win generous rewards from BC.GAME!
  9. https://bc.game/sd/?sd=10LGTS5QTXZ0NN https://bc.game/sd/?sd=10LGQJ6529P6OJ https://bc.game/sd/?sd=10LGP428R0NIMR https://bc.game/sd/?sd=10LGPZTS3IU39V
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